Whether draining a sports pitch, carriageway, garden, basement or more - Hydraway provides industry-leading drainage performance



Highway Drainage

  • Designed specifically as an edge-of-carriageway drain with high water flow, creep-resistance, and short-term crushing strength.
  • Over 10,000 miles of Hydraway were installed in its first decade on the market.
  • Quick and simple installation - either by hand, or by machine for optimal efficiency.
  • Acts as both filter and carrier, optimising the rate of drainage whilst mitigating the need for filler material as with conventional solutions.
  • Hydraway's unique geotextile has passed Dynamic Permeameter Test for clog resistance, for long-lasting, maintenance-free roadway drainage.
  • Proven performance on all kinds of roads across the US and Europe.
  • Has also been used successfully to drain car parks, railways, and airport runways.

Hydraway was designed specifically for use in road construction, delivering hard-wearing, long-lasting, and fast drainage performance. Not only is standing water on and along roadways minimised by the high intake rate of the Hydraway, this drainage performance is maintained over time thanks to its laboratory-proven clog-resistance and high compressive strength.

Over time, the more minor issues of standing water can - in the event that roadway drains are blocked - give way to water buildup, erosion, and freezing, risking significant structural damage to the roadway.

There are currently no reported incidents of Hydraway ever having failed when properly installed - choosing Hydraway can increase safety along roads, whilst simultaneously reducing the necessary maintenance of each roadway.

For more on Hydraway's highway drainage performance, take a look at the case studies below, or find out more about the Turfdry Drainage System using Hydraway

Mr Addynam - Senior Engineer, North Yorkshire County Council

“Although we were aware of possibly taking a risk with a product hitherto unused in this country, we decided its specifications and potential sounded so good, and there were such significant financial gains over a conventional drainage system, that we determined upon its use. Our decision has been totally vindicated, since Hydraway has done everything it promised.”

Edmund Novak - Assistant Divisional Roads Manager, Lothian Regional Council

" “It appears to be up to our operational expectations, has been maintenance-free to date, and continues to work satisfactorily."