Turfdry Rip It Up at Orleton Lane Pitch Construction Site

13th August 2019

Turfdry’s expertise in sports pitch construction has been called upon once more, with Telford Council engaging the firm to brings its specialist knowledge to bear on a pitch construction project at Orelton Lane in Wellington.

Plan for sports pitch construction project.

Unlike the majority of Turfdry’s pitch construction projects, the subsoil base has already been completed, with Turfdry initially being engaged to deliver the topsoil spread and levelling, drainage installation, cultivation, seeding and maintenance. However, upon attending the site, it soon became apparent that the task at hand was more significant than initially proposed: what initially appeared to be a stray chunk of rebar stuck in the ground revealed – upon its excavation and subsequent broader ground investigations – that the entire sub-base of the pitch plateau was littered with construction detritus, with significant amounts of rebar, boulders, and chunks of concrete found across the site. In addition to posing serious problems for the long-term quality standards of the pitch, as well as the potentially dangerous health & safety implications for end-users, the volume and size of this detritus presented more immediate practical concerns for the completion of the project: for all its power, the bespoke Turfdry trenching equipment would be torn to pieces if the drainage installation were attempted under such conditions.

To remedy the issue, Turfdry have proposed the dangerous material be removed from the pitches using an excavator-mounted ripper, breaking the ground in three directions (horizontally, vertically, and diagonally), facilitating its extraction.

We look forward to bringing you more updates on the project once this operation has been completed, and have our fingers crossed that the project will be back on track soon! Find out more about Turfdry’s pitch construction services, or take a look at a selection of past projects from our portfolio.