Salesian School Pitch Construction Project Complete

24th April 2022

Following a complex construction - taking into account high-pressure pipelines, wildly fluctuating weather conditions, and the disruption wrought by a global pandemic - Turfdry is delighted at the completion of its sports pitch construction project on behalf of Barrett David Wilson homes for Salesian School in Chertsey.

Though delivery of the project has thrown up its fair share of challenges, Turfdry's carefully considered, holistic approach to the construction of high-quality, cost-effective sports facilities has resulted in pitches to be truly proud of.

Whilst the pipeline that runs through the middle of the site necessitated separate cut & fill operations to be conducted on each side of its perilous border, each individual pitch plateau conforms to Sport England gradient guidelines, balancing playability with the natural surface-water run-off required for effective drainage. This drainage is made all the more effective through use of the unique Turfdry Drainage System using Hydraway Sportsdrain, which delivers a water intake rate more than 2.5x that of even 100mm plastic pipe, even whilst installed in trenches less than 65mm wide.

With the final facilities now handed over to the client, we hope that they play their part in inspiring the next generation of Salesian School's young athletes.

For more on Turfdry's Sports Pitch Construction projects, check our portfolio, or get in touch today for a no-obligation consultation on your pitch construction project.